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A special thank-you to honor our military community

At Marco Polo, our purpose is to help people feel close.
That’s why we’re honored to be the video chat app that many service members and their families use to stay close when they are serving or living far from their families, friends, and communities.

In recognition of that service, we offer free Marco Polo Plus Passes to members of the military community.
Claim your Plus Pass

A special thank-you to honor our military community

At Marco Polo, our purpose is to help people feel close.
That’s why we’re honored to be the video chat app that many service members and their families use to stay close when they are serving or living far from their families, friends, and communities.

In recognition of that service, we offer free Marco Polo Plus Passes to members of the military community.
Claim your Plus Pass
Father in uniform and family talk on phone
Young woman smiles into her phone
Young couple embrace
Feel close when you can’t be close
No need to factor in time zones. Marco Polo allows you to connect when it is convenient for you and your people.
Marco Polo offers a private, meaningful way to connect and share with the people who matter most.
Your free Plus Pass
Your free Plus Pass
We offer members of the military community a free 2-month Plus Pass to unlock premium features, including:
Claim your Plus Pass
Stories of connection
Young solider deployed in Korea
Father in uniform and infant son
Qatar deployment
Zach, stationed in South Korea
Young solider deployed in Korea
Zach, stationed in South Korea
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The Haney Family, together for the holidays
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Jake, deployed in Qatar
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Have a story to share?
We’d love to hear it!
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Have a story to share?
We'd love to hear it!
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“During this last deployment to Iraq, my husband was able to use Marco Polo to read stories to the kids. And, the wonderful thing is, we can go back to those videos whenever they are missing him.”

— Sheveun D.

“I've been stationed in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and all over the States. Marco Polo has made it possible for my mom to just be right there with me. Now we have better conversations and she really gets it.”


“A year in a foreign country is a big change, and it can feel lonely. I’m honestly counting the days until I can once again share laughs in-person with all of the people who mean the most to me. Until then, Marco Polo has helped keep me in the fold.”

— zach B.

“During this last deployment to Iraq, my husband was able to use Marco Polo to read stories to the kids. And, the wonderful thing is, we can go back to those videos whenever they are missing him.”

— Sheveun D.

“I've been stationed in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and all over the States. Marco Polo has made it possible for my mom to just be right there with me. Now we have better conversations and she really gets it.”

— Jake T.

“A year in a foreign country is a big change, and it can feel lonely. I’m honestly counting the days until I can once again share laughs in-person with all of the people who mean the most to me. Until then, Marco Polo has helped keep me in the fold.”

— Zach B.

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